Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tumblr Won

Sooo my current obsession with tumblr has swept me away from Blogspot for the time being.
Perhaps I'll start writing here again the future. We shall see.
But for now, tumblr has won.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Knit Purl Revolt! T-Shirts

So I've begun making t-shirts!
In my world, this involves creating stencils and getting daring with spray paint, mostly.

First, use an exacto knife to cut out wicked stencils

Then; spray paint!!!

I just love to create!
I'm going to be selling them on my etsy store (
Or, if you want to buy one, just email me at
I'm selling them on a sliding price scale of $6 to $8 (Plus S&H), depending on what you feel you can afford.
I'm not looking to make tons of money from my etsy store, I just want to be part of what I think is an amazing crafting community.
I've purchased many an item from etsy, and it's just a great feeling to know that what you purchase supports a fellow crafter in their work.
We need to support each other!

Knit. Purl. Revolt!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Knit Purl Revolt Goes Tumblr

KnitPurlRevolt can now be found on Tumblr!

I plan to have the tumblr version of the blog be more photo/visual based, as tumblr often is, while keeping the blogspot written/detailed.
But, it will be a process to figure out how to maintain both blogs without becoming repetitive.
Hopefully, having both blogs will help me reach a broader audience and to grow and improve as a blogger.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Round Scarf, Almost Complete!

I'm thinking of starting up a tumblr as a supplement to my blog.
The tumblr would just be photos, as tumblr often is.
Then the blog would remain the same, photos and more in-depth writing.
Thinking about it...
I'd like to start an etsy shop for my knitting.
Only issue is, etsy is so over saturated with knitting shops as it is.
I'll have to think about it.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Self

Traits that I want to foster in myself, in a sense, the person I want to be

Have a strong sense of self
Constructive and creative
Loving and open
Emotionally available
Cooperative in conversation
Accept imperfection
Authentic, honest
Secure, satisfied with self
Balance between sensitive and rational

Growing up isn't easy. We are constantly becoming. I'm trying every day. Some days I fail, and some days I succeed. But I have to keep trying.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Monday, June 27, 2011

This Society is Having an Existential Crisis

I want to share a passage that I encountered in the book I am reading "Gaining: The Truth About Life After Eating Disorders by Aimee Liu.
I really relate to this passage, and I'm sure many others do as well. It functions as a constant reminder, to be, rather than to have.

As psychoanalyst Erich Fromm wrote in "To Have or To Be?: "We internalize the authoritarian structure of our society," and most of us, depending on our class and social position, learn early that we are expected to get a particular kind of education, get married at a particular time of life, get a particular kind of job, and ultimately get as rich and as famous as our circumstances will allow. If we are female, we are also trained to hunger for a better face and body. But all this getting rarely gains us a sense of our own identity. "Most people," according to Fromm, "believe theyy are following their own will and are unaware that their will itself is conditioned and manipulated." In other words, they operate under an illusion of decisiveness without actually being self-directed. For those who do sense and recoil from this manipulation, the need to feel real may demand physical as well as emotional relocation, to a different kind of community or culture.

The true existential choice, Fromm wrote, is not between wanting this or that-miniskirts or boyfriends, money or love-but between wanting to claim possession of things, roles, and even relationships (Let me have) and wanting to freely exist, express oneself, give and experience (Let me be).

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Queer Love Party Party!

NYC Pride Parade Today!!!
And just a couple of days ago, New York State legalized gay marriage!
I don't need the state to legalize me. NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL!
But civil rights are always a good thing, so I consider gay marriage a win!
Today I shall wear my sparkly pink dress with pride and march in that parade like the queer-as-hell punk that I am. It's about the community. Getting together in a place where we aren't marginalized. Where we can celebrate who we are and what we love. And we do it in style.
And I will love every minute of it.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Grades Destroy Imagination and Creativity

"Grades are a problem. On the most general level, they're an explicit acknowledgment that what you're doing is insufficiently interesting or rewarding for you to do it on your own. Nobody ever gave you a grade for learning how to play, how to ride a bicycle, or how to kiss. One of the best ways to destroy love for any of these activities would be through the use of grades, and the coercion and judgment they represent. Grades are a cudgel to bludgeon the unwilling into doing what they don't want to do, an important instrument in inculcating children into a lifelong subservience to whatever authority happens to be thrust over them."
-Derrick Jensen

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

For The Love Of A Sweater: My 50th Post!

Working on a patch-work sweater of my own design.
Currently working with a cotton blend orange/cream colored yarn on a size 9 needle.
I've never made a sweater before, or even looked at a sweater pattern, so this is completely from scratch and from my chaotic brain.
From chaos comes cozy warm order I suppose.

Also this is my blogs 50TH POST!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

If you're sad, write it

On the morning when I woke up without you for the first time
I felt free and I felt lonely and I felt scared
And I began to talk to myself almost immediately
Not being used to being the only person there

And the first time I made coffee for just myself
I made to much of it
But I drank it all just because you hate it
When I let things go to waste

And I wandered through the house like a little boy lost at the mall
And an astronaut could have seen the hunger in my eyes from space
And I sang
Oh, what do I do? What do I do? What do I do?
What do I do without you?

On the morning when I woke up without you for the first time
I was cold so I put on a sweater and I turned on the heat
And the walls began to close in and I felt so sad and frightened
That I practically ran from the living room out onto the street

And the wind began to blow and the trees began to pant
And the world in its cold way started coming alive
And I stood there like a business man waiting for a train
And I got ready for the future to arrive

And I sang
Oh what do I do? What do I do?
What to I do without you?

~Woke Up New by The Mountain Goats

Holding Advertisers Accountable!



Protest at the Trenton State House!

I'm reposting the information about this rally from the Facebook group.
Governor Christie of New Jersey thinks he can take away NJ workers right o collective bargaining? Who does he think he is, the governor of Wisconsin?? Well, workers put up one hell of a fight in Wisconsin, and we're not going down without a fight in New Jersey! Be there and show your support for workers across NJ and the country! Solidarity forever!

THIS IS ROUND 3! ON THIS DATE, THE ASSEMBLY WILL HOLD A HEARING AND WILL CALL A VOTE! Legislators will spend some time caucusing with their caucus in private; state-wide media will be present. YOU MUST BE HERE TO STOP THIS FAST-TRACKED LEGISLATION!


...Parking details are being finalized. Shuttle busses will depart from the Rear Lot (Outfield) of the Trenton Thunder Stadium (1 Thunder Road; Trenton, NJ 08611).

Beginning at 10:00 AM, join the demonstrations, picketing, speeches, and street activity outside of State House.

* Union leaders from around the country will join the demonstration.

* Bring noisemakers to let the legislators know that you are there.

12:30 - ?: Events of the day will dictate how long we’ll continue our demonstrations outside the State House. NOTE: THIS RALLY IS PREDICTED TO BE LONGER THAN THE 6/17 RALLY! Remember, the proposed pension and health benefit legislation will have a devastating effect on every current, retired, and future public employee in New Jersey. A FEW HOURS OF YOUR TIME IS WELL WORTH GIVING TO SAVE YOUR FUTURE!

* Bring a chair, some water, and prepare to spend the day with your union brothers and sisters.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Knitting in the Summer?

Summer knitting is an interesting paradox.
It is far too hot to wear anything you knit.
Even holding the yarn in your hands feels a bit insane, like the strands themselves are infused with heat.
Yet, if you want to have knitwear to sell/donate/wear in the fall, summer is the best time to get your knitting done!
So right now I am working on a knitted neckerchief in preparation for the autumn...when I'll be in Ireland!!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hiatus Over!

I am officially ending my hiatus from the blogosphere!
My first post will come shortly, but I just wanted to say hi, and hope that some people still read this blog!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Portland = Blog Hiatus

Tomorrow I embark on a two week trip to Portland.
I know that most avid bloggers would take this as an opportunity to blog about all the cool stuff they are seeing and doing.
But I am planning on using this trip as a way to disconnect from some technology, which means less computer time, not more.
So, Portland = Blog Hiatus.
I kind of need the hiatus anyways.
I've been feeling inspired lately, but not about blogging.
Probably because I am craving some privacy. There's nothing private about blogging, even for a humble blog like mine :P
So keep following, and in a couple of weeks, I'll be back!
And who knows, I might blog a tiny bit during my trip :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bring It On

As I sit here, procrastinating the large pile of impending finals work that lays before me, my mind wanders to all things post-finals. To summer, the magical time when we college students set aside required reading and writing to focus on that which moves us intellectually and emotionally. Or at least, that's what I do!
I always like to set goals of sorts for the summer, to safe-guard against becoming lethargic and lackadaisical. So here they are, writting in the two-dimensional cyber system, my projects for the summer.

1. Study for the GRE - Not thrilling, at all, but I am taking this exam in July, so I should at least attempt to prepare for it.
2. Knit a simple sweater.
3. Translate three Elliott Smith CD's into French - I figured out this is an excellent way to work on a language.
4. Learn by heart five songs on my violin.
5. Read 5 challenging books - the books are to be decided, I'll keep you updated.

So there you have it, summer projects to engage the intellect, the creative, the studious, the linguistic, and the musical.
What can I say, I'm a Renaissance woman.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day!

May Day: A day to remember the anarchist Haymarket martyrs, and to continue the international fight for workers' rights.
This May Day I celebrated workers' solidarity at a local rally organized by Unidad Latina En Accion. The mission: fight for workers' and immigrants' rights.

Demands included:
Just and Humane Immigration Reform
Labor Rights for All Workers
Jobs For All Regardless of Race, Gender, or Religion
A Local ID Card for Anyone Who Wants One

So let May Day 2011 be remembered as the day that workers and immigrants stood together, as we are one in the same.

Also, in honor of May Day, I knitted a Happy May Day Headband!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pass the Post-Modern, Please

The point is not to stay marginal, but to participate in whatever network of marginal zones is spawned from other disciplinary centers and which, together, constitute a multiple displacement of those authorities.

Judith Butler

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wearing Sunshine

In the spirit of welcoming the springtime, I knit a sunshine hued cabled headband :)

Knitting makes me happy, as does the beautiful weather.
Yesterday was the perfect day to be outside.
A friend and I went out to a local park/battlefield and just lay in the wild green grass, and it smelled good. And the trees cast lengthy shadows that you could hide within. And as the shadows lengthened and the wind cooled, I could feel the springtimes of the past stretched out over my memory, and each one was novel and new again.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spontaneous Haircut

I felt the need to give myself a spontaneous haircut today.
First time sporting a Chelsea.
Not sure if I like it or not.
We shall see.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day ~ Hell Yea!

Happy Earth Day comrades!!!

Go Vegan!
No, seriously, go vegan.
This is an act that you can partake in every single day to benefit the earth, the animals, and your health.

Fun links!:

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

(Photo Source:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thought Control: Right-Wing Koch Brothers Caught Telling Thousands of Employees How To Vote

Thought Control: Right-Wing Koch Brothers Caught Telling Thousands of Employees How To Vote

Follow the above link for an excellent analysis of the Koch brothers involvement in manipulating the politics of their over 50,000 workers.
The power of the bourgousie to influence, through exploitation, the outward politics of their workers, and to repress their true beliefs has been going on for as long as industrial capitalism has existed. But now, as industry becomes more consolidated and monopolized, there is even less room for dissent among workers, who fear losing their jobs if they have dissident opinions. The right-wing, free-market libertarian ideals of the bosses has no place being forced upon the worker. The Koch brothers are guilty of holding forced political meetings among workers in order to manufacture consent. Worse than this, it is completely legal as previous Supreme Court rulings have passed a dangerous precedent granting freedom of speech to corporations, and giving corporations rights akin to those granted to the individual.
Should bosses and CEO's be allowed to manufacture political consent amongst their workers? I say no, of course.
This only further proves that our country is a plutocracy, run by the rich and powerful in the interests of the rich and powerful.
And we must stand by workers, and fight for their right to express their true political opinions!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Community Garden in Red Bank??

I'm a big fan of community gardens.
Community members growing their own local produce, talking, making friends, and cultivating beautiful gardens...what's not to love?
And Red Bank is a place near to my heart. I've spent a lot of time there and have quite a few friends who live in the area.
What are your thoughts on community gardens?
A good use of space? A place that is sure to be neglected?
Weigh in, I'm curious!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Political Doodle

I forgot how much I enjoy pen and ink drawing.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Soft Spoken

I'm really loving this knitted chain scarf.
Even more so, I love this photograph.
The photo is as soft as I imagine the scarf feels.
So I'm giving a shout out and some free advertising space to Soft Spoken: Handmade and Vintage Designs, a knitting shop on Etsy.

It's been a rough week. I'm not up for politics this week.
I'm down for art, escape, the woods, the water...nature is soothing to me when I feel shittiest.
Trying to effect positive change in the world can feel overwhelming when your own small, personal world has been flipped upside down.
I need sunlight and fresh air and water, or I will wilt like a flower in the frost.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Stomache Ache

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
Oscar Wilde

I need to read more fiction. Non-fiction is becoming overwhelming.
I love to knit and I love to talk politics.
But sometimes I just like to sit and read and think of a world that is smaller and more intimate.
Where it is easy to lose yourself without being lost to others.
A story always has a clear beginning and end, but in life we are always beginning and ending simultaneously.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leaving Civilization

A nymph in Greek mythology is a female minor nature deity typically associated with a particular location or landform. Different from gods, nymphs are generally regarded as divine spirits who animate nature, and are usually depicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance and sing; their amorous freedom sets them apart from the restricted and chaste wives and daughters of the Greek polis. They dwell in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers, and also in trees and in valleys and cool grottoes. Though they would never die of old age nor illness, and could give birth to fully immortal children if mated to a god; they themselves were not necessarily immortal, and could be beholden to death in various forms.

Can I be this when I grow up?

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Beautiful Banana Silk Take Two

So apparently banana silk is the most beautiful yarn ever?
This is my second post about the stuff!
It's heavy and natural and the colors look fantastic.
I envision this yarn becoming either a really beautiful neckerchief or possibly a cardigan?
Whoever gets their hands on it is luck!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Imagine Your Own World

Ripped this image right off of the commuknits tumblr (Thanks dressa!). Why? Because it is fucking glorious! Because the false limitations and depressing culture that we live in should not prohibit us from engaging with our inner creativity and revolutionary spirit. Because even when the world tries to tear you down, tear your mind to pieces, art and beauty and emotion and the REAL and the UNREAL can save you. And you can save yourself. And we can save each other. And it's fucking beautiful isn't it?

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I Can Relate

Sit all day pissing away my time
Looking into a crystal ball and I don't know why
I'm living too fast, to live too long
I don't wanna die but I don't know yet where I belong

I've had it better than some and I know that I shouldn't complain
Though my grandfather told me once that all pain hurts the same
Your glass has been emptied but your bottle is filled
Now I don't wanna break your heart but I probably will

Some are born to be good, some are born to be bad
Most do the best that they could while others just wished that they had
If I could return to when I was a child
I'd forget what I'd learned and go back to the wild
Back to the wild
Take me back to the wild
Going back to the wild

- Langhorne Slim
"Back To The Wild"

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My First Cabled Knit-Wear!

I have completed my first piece of knit-wear involving a cable pattern!
It was a bit arduous at first, but like all activities, with practice the pattern became much easier to achieve.
The yarn I used for this headband is a 100% Cotton and was the perfect weight and texture for a cabled headband. Seems really durable as well.

I've been knitting a lot lately, and am considering donating most of what I've knitted to a local Women's Shelter and Counseling Center known as Womanspace. I'm involved in the Women's Center on my campus (co-president!) and we have fundraised and donated money to this wonderful non-profit in the past. If you would like to donate to Womanspace, simply follow this link:
Additionally, if you are in need of Womanspace's services, follow this link for more information:

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Political Poetry

Ever reviled, accursed, ne'er understood,
Thou art the grisly terror of our age.
"Wreck of all order," cry the multitude,
"Art thou, and war and murder's endless rage."
O, let them cry. To them that ne'er have striven
The truth that lies behind a word to find,
To them the word's right meaning was not given.
They shall continue blind among the blind.
But thou, O word, so clear, so strong, so pure,
Thou sayest all which I for goal have taken.
I give thee to the future! Thine secure
When each at least unto himself shall waken.
Come it in sunshine? In the tempest's thrill?
I cannot tell-but it the earth shall see!
I am an Anarchist! Wherefore I will
Not rule, and also ruled I will not be!
- John Henry Mackay

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

My Darling Emma

Ask for work. If they do not give you work, ask for bread. If they do not give you work or bread, then take bread
Emma Goldman
Foreward to Anarchism and Other Essays

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Defying Gravity ASL

An absolutely beautiful ASL interpretation of Defying Gravity, from the broadway musical "Wicked" (and as performed on Glee).
Love this.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Friday, April 1, 2011


It is not true that Socialism will arise automatically from the daily struggle of the working class. Socialism will be the consequence of (1), the growing contradictions of capitalist economy and (2), of the comprehension by the working class of the unavoidability of the suppression of these contradictions through a social transformation
~Rosa Luxemburg "Reform or Revolution"

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where is my mind?

Knit a cute, quick headband w/bow today.
I like the way this photo turned out. Looks antiquated.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Banana Silk!

I must possess this yarn.
It is beautiful.
It is vegan.
Oh the wonderful bulky scarves and hats I could knit with such a lovely blue yarn as this.
Green Sheep Shop is the seller of this delightful fiber
A skein of this beauty goes for $8.25.
And they carry the same yarn in...KALEIDOSCOPE

These two yarns are on my wishlist for sure.
My birthday is in April *hint hint* :P

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vegan Muffin Time!

A couple of weeks ago, my vegan-baking partner in crime Kristina and I baked a batch of delicious DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS!

The recipe followed was from the lovely Sarah Kramer's recipe book La Dolce Vegan!: Vegan Living Made Easy.
Such a fun book!
It's filled with recipes and DIY tips that are helpful for new vegans and vegan veterans alike.
It's also a great way to impress your non-vegan friends with how delicious vegan food is! ;)

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Twig and Leaf Botanicals Giveaway!

Hello comrades!

VeganCraftastic and Twig and Leaf Botanicals are hosting a wonderful giveaway!
Twig and Lead Botanicals is an all vegan (yay!) etsy store, specializing in teas, lotion, and homecare.
If you are interested in entering a giveaway to win some sea salt elixir and body lotion, than follow this link!

In other news, I recently finished knitting a wonderfully long round scarf!
I used more of the same yarn that I mentioned in a previous post, the Homemade USA, and really love the way it turned out. It's a simple pattern, if anyone wants me to send them the pattern, just comment on this post. Let me know what you think about the scarf!
It's such a feeling of fulfillment to finish a knitting project.
I made something, I can create wearable art. How cool is that?

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

World Military Spending


Note: I know the charts are too small too see, follow the provided source link for much larger images!

This is a chart of World Military Spending, based on a countries GDP.
How does this chart make you feel? What is your initial reaction?
Allow me to break things down for a minute:
1. The U.S. military amounts to 48% of world-wide military spending. (est. cost $711 billion annually)
2. The rest of the world COMBINED only spends slightly more on the military.
3. The entire continent of Europe spends half of what the U.S. spends.
4. The Middle East region, where the U.S. is currently engaged in three wars, only counts for 5% of the world's military budget.

Where could the U.S. be spending it's money more wisely? Even if the U.S. government cut it's military spending by 30%, it would still have a $500 billion dollar budget...more than any other country. And where could that money be spent domestically? Healthcare, housing, public sector jobs, social services, environmental protection, education...
I want to live in a country where more money is spent helping people live better lives, and less money is spent on war.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Socialism 2011!

So excited for Socialism 2011 this July in Chicago! Thousands of leftist revolutionaries, in one place, for four days of geeking out to politics and revolutionary talk? Partyyyy! This will be my first time attending, but many of my friends went last summer, and said it was a blast. This year should be unforgettable, as REVOLUTION IS IN THE AIR!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Three Artists I Admire

The idea for this post popped into my head while knitting today.
There are so many people in this world that I admire, many of them activists and artists. I would like to dedicate this post to three artists whom I greatly admire.

Frida Kahlo

I have recently been reading everything I can about Frida Kahlo. I bought three used biographies about her, and have been studying her paintings. She was such an incredible, unique artist. She was a revolutionary leftist, proud of her Mexican heritage, and wildly imaginative. Despite being in chronic pain her whole life as a result of a trolly accident when she was a teenager, she is described as being full of life, emotion, and joy. These emotions, as well as her pain, frustration, and fear came through in her art work, which at times was dark and morbid, and at other times bursting with color and energy. She was a teacher, a caring daughter, a critic of Western imperialism, and a source of inspiration to her students. When I read about Frida, I want to paint. I want to paint anything I can think of.


I love knitting. Knitting (& crotchet!) is craft and art, past and present. Yokoo reminds you of that. She reminds you that what you can make with your hands is art. I found her shop on etsy quite a while ago and was enthralled. Her photographs are quirky and elegant simultaneously. Her style is defiant. I don't know why, it just is. She makes me want to be the best at knitting that I can be. She creates her own world, right there in the photo, right there in the yarn. It's the kind of world you want to walk into, the kind of place where you want to stay for a while. It's accessible, but it's distant, faraway. It's a long journey.
Check out her etsy store or her tumblr, and let yourself see what I see.


Marissa Paternoster

I was 17 years old (Spring 2007) when I first witnessed Marissa Paternoster.
It was at Asbury Lanes, a punk rock bowling alley, and the band Screaming Females would be performing. I had heard of them before, I think I'd even heard a song of theirs at some point. I wasn't all that interested, I was at the show that night to see For Science. Marissa walked on stage, guitar in hand, dressed in a poofy white wedding dress. I was intrigued. But then it happened. And I mean it HAPPENED. The most amazing voice, insanely perfect guitar solos, sonic perfection. My jaw hit the ground as I watched, mesmorized by a style and energy of music I had never experienced before. My brain chemistry was altered that day. I would never be the same. Now four years later, four full-length albums (not to mention her solo work as Noun), and having been to dozens of Screaming Females shows, I can say that at times, I am still as in awe as the first time I witnessed her on stage. Marissa is also an amazing artist, creating drawings and paintings that capture your worst nightmares and greatest fears. On my right shoulder is a tattoo of an ancient angel, borrowed art off of the Screaming Females first album (and drawn by Marissa).
Note: Jarrett D. [drums] and King Mike [bass] make up the rhythm section of the Screaming Females. They are really cool guys, and amazing musicians. Even though this post is mostly about Marissa, these guys are too awesome to be ignored!

Here's some footage from a recent show in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Follow the link!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cowl with Buttons!

I've been working on this little beauty of a cowl for the past few days.
It's Hometown USA Acrylic and Rayon yarn, pretty chunky, made with size 13 needles.
It's got flecks of all different colors and two little black buttons.
I really liked knitting with the larger needles, and this yarn is so nice and soft!
Quite the pile of homemade knitwear is accumulating in my dorm room...I'm going to need to start donating or giving some of it away!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

UNAC Anti-War Demonstration: April 9th!

Call to Action!
And Request for Endorsement

April 9, 2011
New York & San Francisco
from the
United National Antiwar Committee


THEY are the government, corporate, and financial powers that wage war, ravage the environment and the economy and trample on our democratic rights and liberties.


WE are the vast majority of humanity who want peace, a healthy planet and a society that prioritizes human needs, democracy and civil liberties for all.

The Warmakers spend trillions of dollars yearly on endless wars in pursuit of global domination and profit while murdering millions of innocent people, installing corrupt and hated governments and funding occupations that displace millions from their homelands – trampling on the right of oppressed people to self-determination.

THEY send our youth – victims of the economic draft – to fight over the very fossil fuels whose unrestrained use threatens the future of the planet while corrupt and virtually unregulated oil giants dump billions of gallons of death into our rivers and oceans.

THEY wage a fake “war on terrorism” at home – the new McCarthyism – that promotes racism and Islamophobia aimed at destroying civil liberties and democratic rights.

THEY grant repeated and untold trillions in bailouts to banks, corporations and financial institutions while breaking unions, robbing pensions, destroying jobs, foreclosing homes, de-funding education and vital social services and are once again threatening Social Security and Medicare.

THEY offer no solutions to the current crises other than more of the same.

THE PEACEMAKERS DEMAND a better world. Only a massive, united, inclusive and independent movement has the power to bring it into being.

WE DEMAND Bring U.S. Troops, Mercenaries and War Contractors Home Now: Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan! End the sanctions and stop the threats of war against the people of Iran, North Korea and Yemen. No to war and plunder of the people of Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa! End U.S. Aid to Israel! End U.S. Support to the Israeli Occupation of Palestine and the Siege of Gaza!

WE DEMAND trillions for jobs, education, social services, an end to all foreclosures, quality single-payer healthcare for all, a massive conversion to sustainable and planet-saving energy systems and public transportation and reparations to the victims of U.S. terror at home and abroad.

WE DEMAND an end to FBI raids on antiwar, social justice, and international solidarity activists, an end to the racist persecution and prosecutions that ravage Muslim communities, an end to police terror in Black, Latino and Native American communities, full rights and legality for immigrants and an end to all efforts to repress and punish Wikileaks and its contributors and founders.

WE DEMAND the immediate end to torture, rendition, secret trials, drone bombings and death squads.


All Out April 9, 2011

**(Source: Reposted from

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Giveaway at Knit Purl Gurl! is having an awesome giveaway for all you crochet fans out there!
It's a March Madness Giveaway: Kim Werker Prize Pack!
There are MANY opportunities to enter, including blogging about the giveaway! ;)
The deadline to enter the giveaway is April 4th, so hop to it!
Here is the link to the giveaway at Knit Purl Girl:

Best of Luck!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Libya: The Revolution

The political revolution in Libya is changing everyday.
Aljazeera is a great source for information on daily events as they unfold.

Solidarity with the protestors!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beautiful Springtime Bandana!

This bandana (see the above link for pattern!) is so beautiful!
Lightweight and fresh green color, perfect.
Unfortunately, the pattern does not call for vegan yarn, however, I can VEGANIZE it!
Excited to add this project to the ever-growing craft list.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Autumnal Gloves in March

Over the weekend I created a darling pair of lengthy fingerless mittens.
A nice little (k1 p1 row, k1 row) pattern.
Love autumnal colors, and had some leftover yarn from a scarf I made earlier in the winter. Not sure if I will use, donate, give away or sell these mittens yet. Possibly save them for an October craft sale?

Now I am currently tackling what I find to be the tedious task of learning to cable knit. I want to create hip cabled headbands damn it! For some reason this stitch is proving a bit of a challenge for my normally agile hands, but a challenge is always welcome.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Aid to Japan: Following the Earthquake and Tsunami

Japan earthquake and tsunami: How to help

By Lili Ladaga – Fri Mar 11, 11:48 am ET

Japan was hit by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on March 11. The magnitude-9.0 quake spawned a deadly tsunami that slammed into the nation's east coast, leaving a huge swath of devastation in its wake. Thousands of people are dead and many more are still missing or injured.
Japan has often donated when other countries have experienced disasters, such as when Hurricane Katrina impacted the United States. Below are organizations that are working on relief and recovery in the region.

AMERICAN RED CROSS: Emergency Operation Centers are opened in the affected areas and staffed by the chapters. This disaster is on a scale larger than the Japanese Red Cross can typically manage. Donations to the American Red Cross can be allocated for the International Disaster Relief Fund, which then deploys to the region to help.

GLOBALGIVING: Established a fund to disburse donations to organizations providing relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami.

SAVE THE CHILDREN: Mobilizing to provide immediate humanitarian relief in the shape of emergency health care and provision of non-food items and shelter.

SALVATION ARMY: The Salvation Army has been in Japan since 1895 and is currently providing emergency assistance to those in need.

AMERICARES: Emergency team is on full alert, mobilizing resources and dispatching an emergency response manager to the region.

CONVOY OF HOPE: Disaster Response team established connection with in-country partners who have been impacted by the damage and are identifying the needs and areas where Convoy of Hope may be of the greatest assistance.

INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS: Putting together relief teams, as well as supplies, and are in contact with partners in Japan and other affected countries to assess needs and coordinate our activities.

SHELTER BOX: The first team is mobilizing to head to Japan and begin the response effort.

(Source: Yahoo!)

On being a vegan model

Ok, so I'm not a model, but I am a vegan.
And today I was photographed by a fellow college student for a photography project she is completing, with vegans as her subjects.
I wonder what of being vegan can be captured in a photograph?
Health, defiance, resoluteness, strength?

Living vegan is to be defiant and in opposition to an oppression that many choose to ignore or turn away from - the oppression that humans inflict on non-human creatures.
It is a daily protest.

And to anyone who will look me in the eye and say "what you are doing doesn't matter, it makes no difference", I'll look them right back in the eye and quote my favorite Minor Threat lyric:

"At least I'm fucking trying, what the fuck have you done?"

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Struggle Continues

"If you think that by hanging us you can stamp out the labor movement, then hang us. Here you will tread upon a spark, but here, and there, and behind you, and in front of you, the flames will blaze up. It is a subterranean fire. You cannot put in out."

Haymarket martyr August Spies. (copy & paste this link!)

It's All-Out Class War In Wisconsin!

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

CompassioKnit Yarn!

Seduced by this super bulky vegan yarn by CompassioKnit (etsy)

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

Solidarity With The Commuknits Revolution!

My lovely revolutionary pal at has inspired me to create a blog dedicated to my passion for revolution, veganism, feminism, left-wing politics and, of course, knitting.

We are in revolutionary times comrades.
It is the time to explore and discover our own revolutionary potential.
Our potential to tear down the stagnant and unjust, and to create a more just and meaningful future for us all.

From the Middle East, to Greece, to Madison Wisconsin, to London England..the revolution is in our hands.
The power of art and community, of words and information sharing are of great potential in this, the 21st century.

Knit. Purl. Revolt.

*Image obtained from a google search (